Friday, September 7, 2007

Rebecca St. James update/news!


Major applause ringing in on Rebecca's premier last weekend with a full one hour concert special on Gospel Music Channel's "Front Row Live!" Hope you caught the Saturday premier—or one of the five re-broadcasts over Labor Day Weekend!

Good news! You have another chance to let Rebecca rock your world! GMC will be re-broadcasting Rebecca's "Front Row Live" special on Saturday, September 13th –9:00 P.M. Eastern with a re-broadcast at midnight and again at 5:00 A.M. on the 14th.

Check out all details on Rebecca's MySpace: (Just click the profile picture at the top of the page) and scope out the Gospel Music Channel at


Rebecca, what are you working on these days?

"I'm actually taking a sabbatical this fall and I'm very, very excited about having this time. I learned a few years ago very much the hard way that it's very important for people in ministry to take 'time out' and be still. That's exactly what I am doing.

My plan in this time is to really pray and seek God on what this sabbatical time should look like. Generally with touring and book writing, and songwriting and being in studio—and everything else I am doing—my life is pretty mapped out. So sabbatical will be an open time to approach God with open heart and open hand to say, 'God, renew me, speak to me, prepare my heart for new things that you want to do in my heart and in my ministry.' I really have a sense of anticipation that God is moving me into a new 'room' of my life—that I have actually been in one room for some time—and He is moving me into this new room in the house of my life. I'm very excited about this coming season—that God is already opening some new doors of ministry. I'm also in this season exploring some film and acting opportunities that I have been wanting to explore for some time. It just feels to me like a season of newness and I think this sabbatical is very key to that. Ultimately, I want always to be in the center of God's will and involved in the adventure He has for me. One has to sit and hear from God—and be still— to be sensitive to His will for what's His best for us as He writes the story of our lives. That's what I am going to do."


Stay tuned for details on the television premier of Rebecca's new performance video of "Our Great God" –her current duet radio single with Todd Agnew!


Check out the awesome video from Rebecca's August tour of Europe—postings are on her MySpace on both her performance at Holland spectacular Flevo Festival—which drew crowds in excess of 30,000 concert-goers –and catch the video of Rebecca's concert in the Czech Republic where more than 7,000 young people rocked to her music and message for Jesus!

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