“We love what we get to do!” shares Pillar lead man, Rob Beckley. “We get to say that we play rock ‘n roll for a living. We get to see lives changed. We have a renewed love and focus. With that in mind, making For the Love of the Game was very fun, and very fluent; it just came out. We went into the studio knowing what the album was going to be called and we were able to carry the vision through. We wanted to have a positive, bright, fun sounding record. That was our intent from the beginning. We trust that as people hear this record, God will use it to change lives. That’’s the ultimate fuel for our fire. When someone tells us, ‘‘your music changed my marriage, or brought me closer to God,’ that’s when we know God is using our music, and that’’s what it’s all about to us.”
One track on For the Love of the Game that Pillar is particularly proud of is “Turn It Up.” “It’s a tribute to Christian music,” Rob explains. “Every lyric in that song is an album title or song title from another Christian band, with the exception of two lines. All in all, there are 34 bands represented in that song; bands whose songs have influenced us and impacted us. In preparation for writing and recording For the Love of the Game, I listened to a whole lot of Christian music. Prior to Pillar, I didn’t know the Christian music world existed. Over the last year, I’ve fully come to understand just how well the Christian music world is established. In today’’s music market, Christian bands are starting to set musical standards. Bands like Underoath, for example, are really making a huge impact on the music scene, and that is really cool to me. I want people to know that we are a Christian band. We are proud of who we are!”
The ten-track project comprises the following: “For the Love of the Game,” “Turn It Up,” “Reckless Youth,” “State of Emergency,” “Smiling Down,” “The Runaway,” “Throwdown,” “Get Back,” “I Fade Away,” and “Forever Starts Now.”
Read out interview with Pillar here to learn more about the album.
Read out review of The Reckoning here.
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